The Pompano Beach Pier will be closed on Friday, January 24th, and Saturday, January 25th. The pier will reopen on Sunday, January 26th.

Legacy Mural

Legacy Mural

Artist: Andrew Reid SHEd

Location: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA), 41 NE 1st St, Pompano Beach, FL 33060

This mural was commissioned by the Cultural Affairs Department for the centennial anniversary of the Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA) Building. It honors the progression of this historic landmark from the original Bailey Hotel to BaCA as a continuing source of cultural and social enrichment for the Pompano Beach community. This bold and dynamic mural celebrates the stories of the building’s iconic past and evolving present from depictions of the Florida East Coast Railway Streamliner, working people and small businesses within the storefronts, markets, and the surroundings of the native South Florida landscape to contemporary activities at BaCA including artist residencies, galleries, performing arts and public street activities and vendors.

Installed: October 2022

Image Gallery

Murals Legacy Mural